Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Concert

About two weeks ago Caleigh had her Christmas Concert for her preschool. Of course this happend to land on the one day of the year it decided to snow here. By the time everyone realized how bad the roads were, it was too late to cancel or reschedule the show. So...I asked Caleigh if she wanted to go and sing for everyone, and she happily said yes!! Jesse was working, so I packed up all three girls and drove what was supposed to be a 10 minute drive to the church. The roads had gotten so bad that it took us almost an hour just to get to the church. By then of course, Caleigh had decided that she no longer wanted to sing on stage. I really didn't care what she wanted to do at this point, she was going to get up on that stage with a huge grin and sing her heart out. So I dropped her off in the 'green room' and found a seat for the girls and I. When it comes time for her song, Caleigh walks out on stage, mostly of her own free will, and within seconds has decided she does not like this plan anymore. Caleigh and her best friend Trinity are then being held by Trin's mom Mary, and she is rocking them both on her hips like little babies. They have thrown their santa hats off and are almost in tears because they hate this so much. Their whole song lasted less than two minutes, and the girls run off stage. It took me another hour to get all three girls packed back up in their jackets and in the car, and another hour after that to get home because the roads were total ice!! Merry Christmas from Caleigh!


Nethercots said...

Ha ha ha..that's hilarious (for the Aunt who didn't have to deal with any of it). What a story for her when she's older. I'm sure that happened to you, too, a few times when you were supposed to have a dance recital! Oooh, how it all comes back to haunt us. :)

The Karelse Family said...

That is hilarious!