Monday, February 9, 2009


We haven't had a chance to post in a while, we're just now getting over a month's worth of illness. We've had everything from the stomach bug to pink eye to ear infections. Unfortulately, Addisyn came down with all of them, starting right after her birthday, and she's just now recovering!!

So...Addie's birthday was last month. We did have a little party for her, with some friends and a cake. I tried to time it so Addie would be waking up from her last nap of the day, however that day she decided that her nap would be during her party. SO, she was awake long enough to eat a cupcake, then she slept for the rest of the party. Here she is eating her cupcake...maybe next time she'll stay awake for more :)

1 comment:

Nethercots said...

Awww, poor Addisyn! Tyler had a nasty cold at his first birthday party too, and he slept through most of the party as well. He made up for it on the 2nd and 3rd birthdays hopefully Addie can do the same!!